Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160

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  • Enhances contrast and saturation
  • Removes reflections from reflective surfaces
  • For use with 82mm lenses
  • Perfect for landscape and outdoor photography
SKU: DI3989   MPN:   EAN: 8436537141732

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Enhance contrast, saturation and depth in your pictures

A Gloxy 82mm Circular Polarizer Filter improves colour contrast and saturation, it will increase the contrast in a blue sky. It will reduce reflections which are frequently found when taking photos of water, glass and comparable reflective surface types.

Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160

A Circular Polarising filter guarantees consistent light distribution and for that reason preserves the sharpness and sense of balance of colour in images. The filter is water repellent.

Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160

On the left: without a Gloxy CPL filter; on the right: with a Gloxy CPL filter

Product features:

  • Improves overall contrast to the image
  • Ideal for capturing in bright conditions
  • The filter will protect the lens from accidental damage
  • Removes unwanted reflections from water and glass etc.
Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160
Removes reflections from reflective such as water and glass

The camera's meter is going to read the light arriving through the lens and manipulates it to supply the suitable exposure. Add a Circular Polarizer Filter to your lens and it will provide extra protection from any third party elements.

Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160

The Gloxy 82mm CPL Circular Polarizer Filter features an ultra thin structure which will not add extra weight or volume to your lens.

Perfect for landscape photography

With this Gloxy polarizer filter, you will get very sharp pictures, just as shown on the picture below. Indeed, without the use of this filter, the stones lying on the bottom of the river would not be visible. You will enjoy more sharpness and brightness on your pictures, as well as it will enhance constrast and saturation. You will notice better-quality and professional landscape pictures immediately!

Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160

Additional Info

SKU DI3989
Technical Details
Diameter mmm 82 mm
Filter type CPL (circular polarizer)
Resistant to water / dust Yes
XS (Ultra Thin) Yes

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Circular Polarizer Filter for Sony PXW-X160 What's included

  • Gloxy CPL Filter
  • Protective case